On Thursday, April 13, 2017, the leaders of the Métis Nation will be meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau and his Ministers for the first Métis Nation–Crown Summit between these Confederation Partners.
The meeting will be held 9 am to 11:30 am at the Sir John A. Macdonald building on 144 Wellington Street.
This is the second of the three permanent forums to which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed on December 15th, 2016.
For all media requests or for more information, please contact:
Ke Ning
Métis National Council
c: (613) 297-5193
e: ken@metisnation.ca
Jonathan Hamel
Manitoba Metis Federation
c: (204) 806-4752
e: Jonathan.Hamel@mmf.mb.ca
Sonia Millman
Métis Nation of Alberta
c: (780)455-2200 ext.281
e: smillman@metis.org
Mike Fedyk
Métis Nation of Ontario
C: 613-798-1488 ext.108
E: mikef@metisnation.org
Gerald Morin
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan
C: (306) 220-0071
E: geraldmorin@hotmail.com
Dale Drown
Métis Nation British Columbia
C: (604) 226-3050
E: ddrown@mnbc.ca
The MNC represents the Métis Nation in Canada at the national and international levels. The Métis Nation’s homeland includes the 3 Prairie Provinces and extends into the contiguous parts of British Columbia, Ontario, the Northwest Territories and the United States. There are approximately 400,000 Métis Nation citizens in Canada, roughly a quarter of all Aboriginal peoples in the country.