February 4, 2020, Ottawa, ON
David Chartrand, National Spokesperson for the Métis National Council (MNC), issued a statement today following the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal to uphold approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline by the federal Cabinet.
“It is time to move on with this important nation-building project. Trans Mountain will enable Canada to move its energy resources to world markets and will enable Indigenous peoples including the Métis Nation to finally participate in and benefit from a major project of this magnitude. For that reason, last year I joined the President of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce on Parliament Hill to support the expansion of the pipeline.
The Métis Nation supports a balanced approach to economic development, one that encourages economic development while protecting the environment and the rights and interests of our people. The Prime Minister also supports this approach which is why we supported his legislation for a new major projects approval process.
We believe Trans Mountain can open doors for us from equity participation to employment and procurement opportunities. We look forward to working with the Minister of Finance to ensure this happens.”
For more information contact:
Ke Ning
Métis National Council
c: 613-297-5193
The MNC represents the Métis Nation in Canada at the national and international levels. The Métis Nation’s homeland includes the 3 Prairie Provinces and extends into the contiguous parts of British Columbia, Ontario, the Northwest Territories and the United States. There are approximately 400,000 Métis Nation citizens in Canada, roughly a quarter of all Aboriginal peoples in the country.